Rediscover the famous pong game restyled in 3D with new gameplay mechanics!



- 5 new power-ups (See help section in game for detailed information)

- Random obstacles spawning

- Time evolutive ball speed

I hope you gonna enjoy sharing this game experience with somebody else!



You can find almost all the project on my Github repository:

/!\    I am specifying "almost" because the power-ups' fbx models are from a paid assets I can't shared publicly. This means that you will not be able to compile the project directly after importing it into unity without tweaking the scripts to remove the errors.

I didn't expect when I made the project I would make this game publicly however, you can see the scripts to build your own projects if you need to.



Some performance issues has been noticed on some web browsers (specifically chrome/brave browser on macOs). If you have any trouble try switching to another browser!

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